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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Enhancing screen shots

    Here you can download two Basic Photoshop video tutorials ,that will show you how you can edit your screen shots with Photoshop.

    Video Tutorial 1 >DOWNLOAD< 32MB
    This tutorial takes 17 minutes.

    Name:  dad31c7d.jpg
Views: 4675
Size:  168.0 KB

    Be aware that there is no voice-over and i use a German layout of Photoshop , but it is really basic and self explaining and you can easily identify the tools I'm using by looking at the toolbar.

    And if you are still confused you can find a German-English translation of Photoshop here: Oliver Weiss Design: ARTICLES > Photoshop-Lexikon englisch / deutsch

    There are four steps.

    1. Separate the Different fields of depth from each other, in this example its the interior of the cockpit and the outer environment.
    I used the Name:  zaubstab.gif
Views: 4651
Size:  852 Bytes "Magic Wand/Zauberstab" (play with the values of it to get the best results) and the Name:  lass-polygon.gif
Views: 4636
Size:  860 Bytes "Polygon Lasso/Polyagon-Lasso" for this task (press "shift" to grow your selection and "alt" to reduce it, while you are using the tools).
    Place separate regions on different layers by copy and paste.

    2. Use the Filter "Gaussian Blur/Gauscher Weichzeichner" on the first layer/inner environment to simulate a focus outside the cockpit.
    Add missing regions at the second layer/outer environment with the Name:  stempl.gif
Views: 4604
Size:  861 Bytes "Clone Stamp/Kopierstempel".

    3. Use the Name:  wischfin.gif
Views: 5074
Size:  860 Bytes "Smudge/Wischfinger" and Name:  weichzei.gif
Views: 5193
Size:  848 Bytes "Blur/Weichzeichner" to remove sharpness from the more distance parts of the background and reflections of the canopy.

    4. Change the color settings. Therefor go to menu "Image-> Adjust-> Levels/Bild-> Einstellen-> Tonwertkorektur" and also rise the saturation "Image> Adjust-> Hue/Saturation / Bild-> Einstellen-> Farbton/S?ttigung".

    Video tutorial 2 >DOWNLOAD< 60MB

    This tutorial takes 32 minutes.
    Be aware that there is no voice-over and i used a German layout of Photoshop , but it is really basic and self explaining and you can easily identify the tools I'm using by looking at the toolbar. So you can turn on any music you like .

    Name:  A-10heatblurtutorial.jpg
Views: 4629
Size:  350.9 KB

    Name:  A-10heatblurorginal.jpg
Views: 4641
Size:  348.7 KB

    Name:  A-10heatblurphotoshoped.jpg
Views: 4606
Size:  300.1 KB

    There are four steps:

    1.Enhancing the environment
    Add clouds with the Name:  abdunklr.gif
Views: 4783
Size:  863 Bytes Burn/Nachbelichter and edit it with the Name:  weichzei.gif
Views: 5193
Size:  848 Bytes Blur/Weichzeichner and the Name:  wischfin.gif
Views: 5074
Size:  860 Bytes Smudge/Wischfinger.
    Edit The background (trees and buildings).
    Select them and edit the color with Hue-Saturation/Farbton-S?ttigung and Levels/Tonwertkorrektur and also with the Name:  abdunklr.gif
Views: 4783
Size:  863 Bytes Burn/Nachbelichter.

    2.Enhancing the grass
    First select all areas and give a simple structure to it with Filter> Texture/Strukturierungsfilter> Texturizer/Mit Struktur versehen.
    If you are ready, use the Filter> Blur/Weichzeichnungsfilter>
    Motion Blur/Bewegungsunsch?rfe (only a little to 90 degrees).

    3.Adding heat blur
    First select regions that are not affected by the heat blur (the cockpit of the A-10 in the front) and place them on a second layer with copy and paste. Go back to the layer you want to modify. Select areas that would probably be affected by the heat of the engines.
    (I often use the menue Select/Auswahl> Feather/Weiche Auswahlkante. So I don't have to rework the borders so much.)
    Than use Filter> Distort/Verzerrungsfilter> OceanRipple/Ozeanwellen.
    Adjust the values to your needs.
    Finish it with your 'good friends' Name:  weichzei.gif
Views: 5193
Size:  848 Bytes Blur/Weichzeichner and Name:  wischfin.gif
Views: 5074
Size:  860 Bytes Smudge/Wischfinger.
    Unite both layers into one.

    4.Light and finish
    I used Render/Renderingfilter> Lightning Effects/Beleuchtungseffekte> Soft spot/Weicher Strahler.
    Adjust the color with Adjust> Levels/Tonwertkorrektur and/or Adjust> Hue-Saturation/Farbton-S?ttigung.
    Add blur where it is needed with your 'good ol' friend'. Name:  weichzei.gif
Views: 5193
Size:  848 Bytes Blur/Weichzeichner again.
    As a last step I added some graining to get away from a clean look with Filter> Noise/St?rungsfilter.

    There are many ways to Rome, everyone has his own techniques and likings , this shows just mine.

    I hope you have enjoyed this tutorials.
    Comments are welcome.
    Last edited by Serval; 15th April 2007 at 16:43.
  2. #2

    Re: Enhancing screen shots

    The steps shared here for enhancing the screen shot is good enough for me now to try this on myself!

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