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  1. #1

    Fresh Screen shots

    Ok, these are for Hunhunter

    I'll start by saying that these screens are low quality(so Photobucket would'nt resize them) And also that I'm running the game with most of the Graphics set to medium. My machine is showing its age.

    First up, Stuka action. These shots show the AWSOME explosions that the game has, very impressive.

    And now some Dogfight screens. I must say, I'm quite impressed with the AI in this sim. I got into this 1 on 1 match with a spitfire ( difficulty set to lowest ) and it lasted about 30mins before I could bring him down. And I'm good!

    An exturnal of the 109

    And check this out, one of my favorite features. You can lean out of the pit. Left or right. Comes in very handy with an oily windscreen.

    And finaly I found the skin files 2048x2048 Awsome, here's the 109

    And I found out were our friend "Hammered" has been.

    I want the template hammered! He should also be able to hook us up with a veiwer, and give some tips. Each plane has about 10 dds files. And they all have crazy names.

    Go ahead and buy this game, its good.
    Last edited by Serval; 9th May 2011 at 20:08.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Hey, looks good! Didn't know that Hammerd made the skins What are the flight models like??
  3. #3

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Well, pretty good. I have'nt played it enuff to realy go too deep into the FM's

    But they seem good. You pull hard and the plane shakes all over the place. And you here the wind rip'n over the wings. I wont say their as good as the new IL2 4.0 FM's. But their not bad. I did'nt get the feeling that I was fly'n on a rail.
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Awesome screenshots and very spectacular explosions too
  5. #5

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Quote Originally Posted by RogueSnake
    And finaly I found the skin files 2048x2048 Awsome, here's the 109
    Yes . Most by now are DDS.

    And I found out were our friend "Hammered" has been.
    Hehe, yes, the 109 is his. If you look further you will also find another well known skinner .

    I want the template hammered!

    He should also be able to hook us up with a veiwer,
    Maybe a stupid question - I am no skinner - but what do you need a viewer for?
    If it is to quickly look at new textures, there should be a way in BoB to change the texture while you fly .

    Each plane has about 10 dds files. And they all have crazy names.
    I admit the names are not the best and also we did not come around to clear the directories from old files .
    However, I can make a tool to see which model uses which textures or simply make a list and publish it.

    Go ahead and buy this game, its good.
    Thks for the pat on the shoulder

    I go even further and say "Go ahead, buy this game and skin for it"
  6. #6

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Thanks for drop'n by m8

    About the viewer:

    The main reason, its Quick. Not having to load the game, Pick the plane, start mission etc. Just to see if the Vic's are lined up or something. It also eliminates the need of taking screens of errors.

    As you can just keep the viewer up at all times, and switch back and forth.

    Being able to just save your file, go to viewer, and load it. I have a viewer that I used back when I made some skins for Nascar 03. And it made things alot easier. It was just called "CarViewer" I think, it had lighting options and zoom, pan too. A 3d tool. These viewers are just a few seconds behind Real Time.

    I'm mainly speaking from my IL2 skinning experience. You can leave the game running, but it does'nt update skin files once its started. No matter if you exit the mission, and start another once you re-saved your mod'ed skin. It will appear the same as it did when you started the game. And the game generaly takes a while to load.

    Does Bob2 reload skin files into memory each time you load a mission?(I guess thats why IL2 is the way it is, I'm no tech guy)

    If so, a viewer would'nt really be as big of a deal. But still, theirs no replacement for Viewers. They are just good.
    Last edited by RogueSnake; 15th October 2005 at 10:33.
  7. #7

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    If you run IL-2 in windowed mode when making skins then if you resave and go through BRIGHT and all that stuff, when your done you just go to QMB an it should have changed, you'll need to exit and re-enter the arming screen if your already in it
  8. #8

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Quote Originally Posted by RogueSnake
    The main reason, its Quick.
    Ok. I think I know how to achieve that .

    Does Bob2 reload skin files into memory each time you load a mission?(I guess thats why IL2 is the way it is, I'm no tech guy)
    The way Il2 does it is actually very good for pure users; The mission starts faster the second time around since the texture is already in memory. However, we (the freeware group "BDG") have created a special feature for skinners called AutoTextureChange . But before I go into detail, let me check it still works and that it does not collide with any other new feature. For example we did not have DDS files back then and also we now render most polys with a completely new "high poly count renderer" (high compared to the old one that is now only used for special stuff ). Once I have brought it up to date and have produced a box with goodies we call "Skinner's Pack" I will get back to you guys.
  9. #9

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Quote Originally Posted by SeaNorris
    If you run IL-2 in windowed mode when making skins then if you resave and go through BRIGHT and all that stuff, when your done you just go to QMB an it should have changed, you'll need to exit and re-enter the arming screen if your already in it

    That is true, but if you start the mission, you will still have that skin that was loaded when the game was first started. And you can't get in close with that Arming screen, and see details.

    Atleast thats the way it is on mine. It could be different on yours, I don't know. I know I've had some strange things happen with my game before. I did a skin for Pe-8 once, and after I had changed it, and saved it a few times it just quit showing up all together. Had to re-install the game to fix it.
  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: Fresh Screen shots

    Regarding IL2/FB skinning, If you put clearcache=0 in conf.ini - see Mat manager readme for details - there'll be a folder for each skinfile in tga format in paintscheme/cache folder.

    This is what's the game loads, so you only have to delete the corresponding folder to make the game re-load the skinfile. Beware though, if you load many skins before, there will be so many folders with the tga files in them... And they are large files

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