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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Photoshop CS3 preview

    Here is a nice video showing CS3

  2. #2

    Re: Photoshop CS3 preview

    looks promissing, thanks for sharing
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Photoshop CS3 preview

    Yes, at least some extra options for those who might enjoy them.

    I like my PS layouts simple and very open. Back when I used PS5 I made almost constant use of the tab key, hiding and showing the palettes. Moving to PS Elements 2 this doesn't work as well, but I have even better options. I can close all the unnecessary palettes and hide the quick buttons bar (which I never use anyway), then stack a few palettes in a single right hand side palette well. I rarely use tab in Elements 2.

    For most activities I use keyboard shortcuts, left hand is working with the WACOM, right is moving over the keyboard for shortcuts and modifiers. I rarely use the menu bar, only for filters. Also the navigation view I can do more quickly with keyboard as well, I've got an actual up/down zoom switch on my Microsoft Natural Ergo 4000 keyboard that does the image zooming, space bar to pan the image in the window, '[' and ']' keys to change brush sizes. Most of the image manipulation dialogs such as 'levels' and color adjusts are called from keyboard as well.

    Plus getting a widescreen monitor helped with feeling like I've got more open space for my image work between the left and right palettes.

    My layout:
    Name:  ps-layout.jpg
Views: 204
Size:  103.9 KB

  4. #4

    Re: Photoshop CS3 preview

    I'm working nearly the same way like you, the only difference is the complete mess on my screen

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Photoshop CS3 preview

    Y'know you can seperate any of those tabbed palettes you want? and recombine them in one.
    For example you can grab the 'layers' tab and pull it out onto the screen. Then you could (for e.g.) drag the 'swatches' tab and add it to the layers one, then you can add the brushes one as well if you want, totally customising the work layout.
    CS2 is good like that, CS3 seems to be a fair bit faster to boot up too, it's nice!


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