Spitfire Ib (Vb) R6776 flown by Flt Sgt George 'Grumpy' Unwin as part of 19 Sqn RAF during the Battle of Britain.
On 16th Aug 1940 Unwin claimed a Bf110 shot down in this Spitfire.

Later flown by 92, 306 and 316 Squadrons, R6776 was written of in May 1942 after sustaining battle damage after a channel sweep.

This A/C was one of the (not to popular) models fitted with the first 20mm cannons on the Spitfire. Prone to jamming many reverted back to the 8x303mg configuration.

Made with Jesters original template with bits by FBS and myself

Included is QV-H, one with A1 roundels and one with tail flash.
Also a copy of Unwins history/obituary

Uploaded here ::Flying Legends | WarBirds of WWII home page:: and http://www.mission4today.com/index.p...ownloads&c=447 (when cleared)