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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Milton Keynes

    Two of the same plane, Spitfire IXc 453 Sqn

    Spitfire IXc FU-N/MH454 flown by 453 Sqn and as painted on 5th June 1944.

    Also included is the same aircraft with all the stripes removed except those on the belly, as flown in the latter months of 1944

    The template was made by Jester with Monguse and FBS providing various weather and other layers.

    Uploaded here ::Flying Legends | WarBirds of WWII home page::


  2. #2

    Re: Two of the same plane, Spitfire IXc 453 Sqn

    Good skin.

    I've heard this is the "prototype" template? If so it's still quite amazing.
  3. #3

    Re: Two of the same plane, Spitfire IXc 453 Sqn

    Theres either quality or quantity in life...looks like there's both in this new template..bloody good work m8 between all the peeps involved...more ,more,MORE!
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!

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