Phil Taylor has posted an update on the development progress on Service Pack 1 patch for Microsoft's Flight Simulator X, and it contains some much anticipated word on multi-core support. Specifically, Mr. Taylor says that loading time and frame rates are improved as a result of increased multi-core useage. As for delivery time on the SP1 patch, Mr. Taylor's comments point towards May.
Check Phil Taylor's post here:
PTaylor's WebLog : FSX SP1 News:Intel quote
And see further mention in Intel's QX6800 2.93Ghz press release here:
Intel Delivers Its Fastest Enthusiast Quad-Core Processor
UPDATE: A new post at Mr. Taylor's weblog, Beta 2 is out to testers:
PTaylor's WebLog : FSX SP1: Beta2 posted
Last edited by adlabs6; 15th April 2007 at 05:35. Reason: Updated information