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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    subsidiary question about line and rivets

    hi, i have read many tutorial, and view many template file, but here i have a question about line and rivets:

    ok for 1 pixel brush!
    but i think that value of 1 pixel is = to 1 uvmap we have a scale of 1024x1024 pixel, so need i change this, if my finished file need to are 512x512, 256x256, 512x256 or 256x128 pixel?

    because to make my skin, i work under 1024x1024 pixel, but when is finish, than i need to make reduce the scale factor!
    so if i reduce, than the pixel is reduced same to this value, so i think that i need to use 4 pixel brush for1024x1024 works, and by reduced scale factor, this me done the 1 pixel effect or not?

    And so if i look a template file from any model, by group layer, this me done a multiple sub layer, so as folow layer:

    "All line blend layer" is set to 100%
    "All lines blend extra" is set to 15%
    "Dark lines" is set to 10%
    and "white line layer" is set to 6%

    so i think that this is make by just copy layer to new layer, and after is set to value, or is this make by any other solution?

    and if i understand this good, the color we are used is RGB 0 0 0, is this correct? (or any other black color variant?)

    because by me i don't can use RGB 0 0 0, i need to save my file into TGA format, and black 000 and white 255 255 255 is reserved to work with transparency (alpha layer)

    and the tool is "pencil", not "paint tool"! correct?

    and can't you me say, if i need to make any other settings?
    and idently say me if i need to use special effect for make lines????

  2. #2

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    you're allways using 1 pixel for the rivets. (they're too big anyways, compared to real scale...) if you're working on a 1 k texture sheet and you're rescaling it later everything is fine. keep in mind that you probably don't have any details on a 256k texture. (at least not very visible and blurred out at all)

    I've never heard that pure black or white is used as an alpha channel in the rgb channel itself, to be honest it doesn't make any sense to me. the alpha channel is usually a seperate channel, additional to r-g-b. I'd be very suprised if you can't use pure black/white in the diffuse texture itself.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    hi and thank's ebo!

    yes i know that alpha chanel separate is!

    but look this screen shoot!

    is my Boston havoc uvmap with transparency nose!
    so we you can see it, i have just begin with try to make different line, but so i have think, that if under work the line is 4 pixel, than by reduce to 256x256 or 512x512, this done same representation as il2 model!

    because, my model, don't fly realy so as (IL2 or CFS or any other model from a flying simulation game we can realy flying), so for i need to done rotation effect to propeller, i need to make a transparency effect, so that gamer think that units fly!
  4. #4

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    actually, if you're drawing a 4 pixel line on a 1k texture sheet and reducing it to 256 your line will become 1 pixel, that's true. but, and here's the mistake, it's just on the texture itself, not on the model and/or ingame. why? because the model /your uvs doesn't change its scale, so the 256k texture will be stretched to the same size and location like your 1k texture. so you will end up with the same appereance like in your bigger texture, just way more blurrier.
    Your 1 pixel line will be stretched again back to 4 pixels.

    For the transparent areas: it should look more this way like in the TW p51 damage texture: on the left side of the image is shown rgb channel, on the right side the alpha channel. don't confuse about the locations, they're actually on the same location. I just want to show how they look like

    and the last image shows how it looks in the game

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    waouh ebo, on this i don't have think!!!

    yes so effect with transparency, i can use it to make died plane skin after this are shooting down from enemy plane!! (many thank's)

    and thanks to me inform, that i don't need use some black color as background, because alpha chanel, so i can skin totally background from RGB, and use special color on alpha chanel!!

    yes and i have forgot!

    we is make blend on layer, so "blend line layer" 10% etc...?
    Last edited by marking; 28th June 2007 at 11:19. Reason: forgot
  6. #6

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    oh, I almost forgot the following:

    with the current settings in your texture sheet the glas probably won't work.
    even if the glas is transparent it has a high reflectivity/specularity. If you're setting the alpha channel to pure white (or black, depends on the game engine) you'll make this area completely invisible, like the damaged parts on the pony above. But I guess you'd like to keep the material settings without having empty spaces where the glass should be

    the first solution (if you're modelling) is the easiest one: make geometry cuts where the glas is supposed to be and add another material to this polygons. (the material settings are depending on the game engine/ 3D application, so I can't give you any hints in this area)

    Second solution (like I did for Targetware): the glas is mapped, using the alpha channel and a additional reflection map. (even here: if your game doesn't support reflections you've to look for other solutions)
    it's more showing how I did it: the glas in the diffuse texture (the "skin") is just black, this is your actually glas color. (you can also use a dark blue, works fine either...)
    the alpha channel isn't completely black, because otherwise the material would be totaly transparent (or better: cropped out).
    on this semi-transparent material I added a reflection map on the highest possible reflection level (pure white in this case).

    you can see the effect very clearly on the landing lights or the navigators dome, for the rest of the glas areas it's hard to show it on a screenshot, because the interresting/realistc look will appear in the movement in the game itself

    I hope this gives you an idea how it could work, but like I wrote before: the finetuning depends on your game engine or software you're using

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    ok for tips and tricks,

    so, for first help, i need to know!
    can't you me done information about number line, we have the A20 boston in height?

    I have special make red color, to emplacement, we should have later transparency!

    blue line = mesh from 3d object!
    so forget this line.

    the white line need give the line!
    but so i don't have a good blueprint, can't you me done more information about number of line and emplacement, for this model?

    and other help, can't you me say, if the emplacement signal per green arrow, whas in glass or metal sheet, or open?

    because, i don't have a photo from model, we permit to identify if this whas in glass, so if this whas transparent, or any other details!!!
  8. #8

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    maybe helpful:

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    oh many thank's, now i been in the heaven! we a plane fly over clouds!

    this have maximum details, so i can draw all my future plane!!!

    and other question:

    so for exactly adjust my line on plane, i use software Deep paint 3d!

    but with this software, i have a little problem, if i load psd, or any other format file, this don't add the alpha chanel, so i don't can view realy effect over transparency!

    know you this software?
  10. #10

    Re: subsidiary question about line and rivets

    neg, I don't have a clue about DeepPaint.

    btw, what game you're moddeling for?

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