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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Elko Nevada

    Lines and Rivets


    Hello once again!
    Here we will be dealing with simple line and rivet application as I do them using Paint Shop Pro. These will work for both PSP 7 and PSP 8. I will jump right into the lines and rivets assuming that if you have gotten this far you know how to import your skin into PSP. Lets begin.

    I will use Pictures to assist you in this tutorial as best I can, once these techniques are learned it becomes very fast and you can apply lines and rivets in half the time of doing them individually. Again this is how I do it, someone may have a better way but since I am retired I have nothing but time on my hands.

    Name:  IMG1.jpg
Views: 2688
Size:  94.3 KB
    Start with a Single Black Pixel of paint like this.

    Name:  IMG2.jpg
Views: 2678
Size:  101.8 KB
    By moving your Cursor to the location where you wish your line to end You can make one continuous line with no defects like this. By holding down your Shift Key and clicking the left mouse button like shown below.

    Name:  IMG3.jpg
Views: 2675
Size:  104.4 KB
    This method for making lines is simple and quick and once you get use to it you will become very fast.

    This next portion deals with the application of rivets using PSP 7 or 8 again both programs are essentially the same? The first thing you need to do is make a separate layer for your rivets like this.
    Name:  IMG4.jpg
Views: 1150
Size:  104.4 KB
    It should show up now in your Layer Pallet as shown below.

    Name:  IMG5.jpg
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    Your rivet layer should now be visible as shown above.

    Name:  IMG6.jpg
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    Now you must have some rivets laid down I am starting with just 4 , you can start with as many as you like.

    Name:  IMG7.jpg
Views: 871
Size:  19.7 KB
    Select the rivets you have made with the selection Tool, this can be accessed by using the “S” key on your key board, or by using the selection option located in PSP on the side tool bar.

    Name:  IMG8.jpg
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    Like this

    Now once you have made a selection you can copy it by simply holding down the “ Ctrl+ C “ keys on your keyboard like this.
    Name:  IMG9.jpg
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    This action will make an exact copy of your 4 rivets which you can apply as many times as you like. Or until you decide to change the number of rivets being used.

    Name:  IMG10.jpg
Views: 783
Size:  32.4 KB
    Holding down the “Ctrl+E” keys will apply as many rivets as you like, or until you want to change the number of rivets applied which will require you to repeat the process again, but once learned this will make things move along much faster than doing each rivet individually.

    Name:  IMG11.jpg
Views: 779
Size:  88.4 KB
    Here you can see the rivets you have copied and laid down via the “Ctrl+E” buttons on your keyboard.

    Name:  IMG12.jpg
Views: 779
Size:  93.8 KB
    Here you see a finished line of rivets, when I first started doing this I did each and every rivet individually, boy am I glad I learned this trick.


    Now you need to make some rivet highlights in the old days I would redo the rivets again one by one, it would take me days, or weeks to do a skin.
    Until I learned this trick.
    Start with a line of rivets like this.
    Name:  IMG13.jpg
Views: 706
Size:  55.2 KB

    Now you need to make a copy of your rivets in your layer pallet like this.
    Name:  IMG14.jpg
Views: 708
Size:  67.4 KB
    Place your Mouse cursor over your rivet layer and right click the mouse button scroll down to the duplicate option and click it, this will make an exact copy of your rivet layer in your layer pallet.

    Name:  IMG15.jpg
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Size:  62.5 KB
    Here you can see the copy of the rivet layer you just created.

    Name:  IMG16.jpg
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    Now you must offset your layer by clicking he “M” button on your keyboard and while holding down the shift key drag your Copied layer off to the corner edge like this.

    Name:  IMG17.jpg
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    Now you have to change the color of your rivets, By using your Effects tool bar you will get an option tool like this.

    Name:  IMG18.jpg
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    Take note of the settings in this option utility, anything else and it will affect the look of your highlights

    Name:  IMG19.jpg
Views: 735
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    Now once all your rivets are done you can play with the opacity of them by simply manipulating it in your layer pallet like this.

    You can play with the opacity until you get it to look the way you wish, this process took me several months to learn as I had no one to teach me these tricks. I picked these up as I went along and I used tricks from other Skinners in the forums section. I hope this answers your questions, if not please feel free to contact me.
    Last edited by Serval; 18th November 2015 at 15:06.
  2. #2

    Re: Lines and Rivets

    Nice tutorial, but the top image? It maybe needs to be smaller so it comes together correctly?
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Lines and Rivets

    Hi Eric, which page is the image you are talking about on? And are you meaning that it's distorting the page layout?

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