Well, you could start with some screenshots of the game![]()
Worthy of some skinning attention. I got Falcon 4.0 Allied force about a month ago, and I love it. I like it more than I do lockon.
And it has support. Dev's that listen, and accualy release patches.
A new one is coming 1.02 that adds alot of new stuff, including graphic inhancments.
So buy it, worth every penny. If you like the F-16 (aka Viper ) of course.![]()
If I can ever find the time, I'll get into making a skin and post it here.
Last edited by Serval; 9th May 2011 at 20:12.
Well, you could start with some screenshots of the game![]()
I played the original, Falcon 4.0. It was awesome, even in those days. Allied force should be superb. But, remember the engine is allready 5 or 6 years old. So, don't expect Lock-on Graphics. It is however unbelievable what the community has done with this sim. Awsome. Indeed worth every cent you spent on it if you like to take a jetfighter into combat and you love realism.
However, the CTD's never completly dissapeared on my system.
Well, here's the very deep review done by SimHQ for starters. Goes 6 deep.
And heres another one they did, about a new pilots first opinions on the sim, good read.
I'll take some screens tomarrow, and show off the awsome pit. Has cool mouse look like IL2. I don't have Tracker IR, so I don't know if its supports it or not.
If you read that stuff, you'll most likely buy it![]()
Ok, here's some quick screens I took mainly to show off the new shading effect.
Here I start a shallow dive to fly under some cloud cover.
An exturnal view of my F-16
Here I pan over my sholder, to get a good shot of the nice fog effects. I quickly realize that I'm being pursued by two agressors. I wind my GE Turbo Jet up, and prepair for mortal combat. Every encounter must result in a death, one way or another!
The "dots" in this game are very good. The other AC were bairly visable, untill Photobucket resized my shots.
And as far as skinning goes.. I have yet to locate the skin files. I think they might be coded. I did find a folder for a pilots image though. The devs said that they will alow 3rd party work in the future, so I guess we might have to wait till then to do some skins.
I'll take some more screens later. I got kill'n to do.
Last edited by RogueSnake; 12th September 2005 at 03:33.
Here's the games home page
Also, about CTD's Platypus. Been playing for about 3 weeks now, doing a campaign. And have'nt had the first one. This game plays great, and its as smooth as any game I've played. Terrain flows by perfect.Even better than it does in IL2 for me. I guess the graphics of IL2 is why my frames are not as good.
Its been patched once, fixed some minor graphic bugs. Sometimes you would see a little flicker here and there, fixed that.
This next patch, that should be out this week, is mostly a content patch, yeah! thats right. Will fix some bugs, but will add alot of new stuff. Like graphic enhancments, new missle effects etc.
Oh, and here's an uber model by Tamiya. The game got me in an F-16 mood.
Last edited by RogueSnake; 12th September 2005 at 06:47.
I played the original game but found the learning curve a bit steep and the graphics not so hot. Looking at the above screens the graphics have improved a bit but it would've been nice to have LOMAC-type terrain.