AH! I'll have to dig down deep and look through my books. But just off hand, one scheme that comes to mind-
I think I have a few photos of to somewhere. Here's the plastic model article-
Hasegawa Ar 234 B "Blitz"
And a cool examination-
Arado Ar 234B-2 Camouflage Reference Photos by Phil Evans
Plus another similar plane-
http://home.planet.nl/~otten100/Ar23...ing Wings Page
I'm almost 100% positive that Watson's Whizzers flew one 234 but I'll have to find the picture. This website seems to only mention 262s
Me 262 - Watson's Whizzers Main Menu
But I think the 234 they flew was overall one dark shiny color with the Whizzers logo and US markings on it!!!
How's that to start?