Looks nice so far. Reminds me of my Mig 3 skins of years ago. I don't even think I have any screenshots of them anymore, maybe on backup discs.
No words just pics......
Any interest ?
Last edited by Winger69; 23rd September 2007 at 12:28. Reason: Reduce access time
"Heaven........Where is my angel ? ---- I need her. Now!"
Looks nice so far. Reminds me of my Mig 3 skins of years ago. I don't even think I have any screenshots of them anymore, maybe on backup discs.
Looking good. Im working on an early war mig. Mine still has a way to go
Yes, indeed it looks not bad - but these shots are from a very early state of this project.
It seems to me that no one realy interested in
Maybe the IL2 times are over.................
"Heaven........Where is my angel ? ---- I need her. Now!"
Winger, these skins would make excellent starters for skins, and they look good on their own. Thanks for the work, and I'll definately be in the wings waiting for them!
Oh, and By The Way, the IL2 days are Far from over! I don't see a "skins" download section on this site. Are you going to upload the finished skins here or to another site? Can I recommend Mission4Today.com?
Last edited by Aardvark892; 21st September 2007 at 22:27. Reason: I forgot to plug M4T!
that sounds much better to my ears![]()
Aardvark892: M4T will be my first choice.![]()
Jesters: Thanks for that, Sir.
"Heaven........Where is my angel ? ---- I need her. Now!"
Though I have little time to fly IL-2 atm, I still love good (and Russian) skins.
And no, we do not host skins, that's because that would flood the site with traffic from people who 'only' want to download skins. We fear that would make thje main goal of this site suffer: a meeting place and resource for people who want to create skins / textures.
What a shame !
I?ve made the above shown skin/template after the original IL2 void.bmp for the Mig-3U.
Now, after studying some material from MIG3 I came to the conclusion that the void.bmp
is completely bull. Every single panel line - every single rivet or detail seems to be
wrong! It?s more a standard Mig-3 then a Mig-3U aka I-230.![]()
How could that happened? What?s about all that historical research, Maddox ?![]()
Why am I so stupid to believe that this void could be correct?![]()
I don?t know. I was so proud of that template and now I?m totally frustrated.
OK, what?s next?
A 400px eraser and a few brutal pen strokes - That?s the right choice I think.
By the way. How do I paint a plywood or better a partly shpon skin ?
Cheers, Best Regards & Thanks
and keep in mind: Do the historical research before you start to paint or the result will be bull....
"Heaven........Where is my angel ? ---- I need her. Now!"
I forgot the URL for the Mig-3 site.
Here it is:
MiG-3 family
"Heaven........Where is my angel ? ---- I need her. Now!"