Still new to the site myself so I'm not sure what you mean by a culture-shift...heh. I'm a skinner and a profiler both, and as you say IL-2 seems to be "in the doldrums" waiting for the last patch and/or coping with the recent "unofficial" developments. The way I look at it, Simmers' Paint Shop seems to cover all aspect of aviation-related art, from screenshots and photographs to skinning for (all) flight sims and making profile art.
That said, it seems as though there are two traditions to follow - the British one of "in-flight", with no propeller blades and gear up - or the American theme of "at rest", with the a/c in question on the ground with props visible. I prefer a happy medium - on the ground but with no blades (the only reason being I'm crap at that, having never done it before). Only started getting into "at rest" with my P-51B/C profiles, though.
Hope that helps.