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Thread: Italian AF DC-6

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Italian AF DC-6

    Aardvark was a group of simmers led by David Rawlins who set out to develop low-polygon airliners for use as AI traffic in FS2002. Within the world of AI traffic, Aardvark planes were famous for looking like high polygon models despite some very low polygon counts - under 2000 for some planes. The reason that polygons were important was that the more polygons, the slower the sim ran. Aradvark planes allowed crowded airports without the sim turning into a slide show. Here is their site: ..::AI Aardvark::..

    David and team also developed these brilliant paintkits for their models, which covered the Boeing jetliners, DC-9/MD80 and some others. To maintain quality control, Aardvark released repaints (skins in the language of this site) for all the major airlines concurrently with their models. Aardvark gathered around it all the best flight sim airliner painters, including Phillip Tan, who hangs at this site too. It was the techniques used to create the Aardvark paintkits and repaints that helped me into profile art.

  2. #12

    Re: Italian AF DC-6

    You learn something new every day
    Sounds fun too


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