The image problems were due to a code problem after trying to solve another problem.
Anyway welcome here with this very nice profile.![]()
Apologies I don't seem to be able to get the image to load, Mods can delete this post if they wish.
Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 21st November 2007 at 12:32. Reason: Image has not displayed, not the best way to start here...
The image problems were due to a code problem after trying to solve another problem.
Anyway welcome here with this very nice profile.![]()
Wow, very impressive work, and one of my favorite aircrafts!
At first, I thought Jester was onto something, but after a closer look, I dont see a double shade.
Very nice Robots![]()
Thanks for the kind words and the welcome guys,
I have no idea what happened to my original post as it wasn't showing up at all from my end.
What is the optimum size for posting larger images here on the form?
I have another work in progress that I would be happy to post(spitfire Mk XIV e) is it proper form to post different types in new posts or just post it here into this one?
The actual image is 5000 X 2000pxl @ 300dpi which makes it quite the monster for my machine to process. It can be displayed in a number of different configurations gear up/down canopy open/closed.
Jesters, not sure what you mean by a double shadow, if its a mistake I would like to fix it, as these things never seem to be finished.
It may be of interest that his P-47 is currently under restoration to fly with the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society here in Australia.