Another thought: I use a grey background myself now as I was finding the stark white was "glaring me out" and I was having trouble seeing subtle changes, particularly near edges.
I'll do the aussie one if you likejust pm me with markings/details etc..
Another thought: I use a grey background myself now as I was finding the stark white was "glaring me out" and I was having trouble seeing subtle changes, particularly near edges.
[QUOTE=GrubbyFingers;9581]I draw in my sleep: "mmmmmfff...maybe if I shifted the highlight...mmmmffff.....oh! the rotor spins counterclockwise, you idiot!... mmmf... that's not the right colour......."
I think Simmers is becoming a place of therapy.
Keep it up Grubs, you'll be outa here in not time with the progress you are making. . . . .![]()
Yeah, let's talk of therapy! My girlfriend found a therapy. Last time I made such sounds in my sleep she stabbed me with that barbecue fork she'd hidden under the pillow.I draw in my sleep: "mmmmmfff...maybe if I shifted the highlight...mmmmffff.....oh! the rotor spins counterclockwise, you idiot!... mmmf... that's not the right colour......."
I'd wondered about that fork...![]()
only therapy i need is after the mrs hits me over the head with something after sneaking up behind her and starting the Haka![]()
Seem to recall the EE Lightning was on the "long" list when the Sabre replacement project started. Didn't last long because it needed to be in full ferry configuration just to fly between RAAF bases. Another what if's could be the Boeing B-47, which was offered as a fill-in while the F-111 sorted out its problems. One was even sent here for the RAAF to look at - saw it landing at Sydney airport trailing a huge drag chute - but it was way too expensive to operate, too dated, and there were too few air bases in Australia that could handle it, which is why it had to land at Sydney International.I've often thought of doing a "What if?" series of aircraft the ADF didn't pick, but had shortlisted: F104, Viggen, F-15, F-16, Mirage 2000, TSR2 etc.
cool, yer they did require masses of runway, gotta love reversers! i believe they also looked more recently at other aircraft, my best memory from a holiday in Oz was seeing an F-111 do its 'Dump and burn' didnt half scare me at firsttherapy please i've had a relapse!
According to Mason/Mottram,the Sabre replacement contenders included the Lightning, F104A, F104G, SAAB Draken!, F105 Thunderchief!!, Mirage III, and F-5 Freedom Fighter.
Supah, Have you seen the Mason/Mottram book I mentioned? It was printed by Mushroom publications a few years ago and covers EVERYTHING about Australian Mirages, right down to stencil colours on different schemes, experimental schemes, unusual markings, unique weapons etc. It has a dozen or so colour 4-views by Juanita Franzi. It is an absolute pearler! Unfortunately it is out of print now.