Where do you get the messege? From Windows or from the sim?
Still working on decals, but i got the layer thing down.
Question is does anyone know why i get this message?
"Opening 'C:\Users\David\Desktop\C130_SIM\New_C130SIM\New_t exture_MAC\l_wing.bmp' failed: Windows BMP image plug-In could not open image"
Where do you get the messege? From Windows or from the sim?
It's someone else's paint job that i wanted to reskin from FS2004.
I'm in Windows when i try to open it then i get the message.
Is there a code or format that is preventing me from opening it?
In that case I'd figure that it's got an alpha layer or something that Windows can't open.
Does the file open up in GIMP? It should be able to handle anything.
No that's the message when i do try to open it in GIMP.
Only seems to happen with FS2004 .bmps
Ah ok. Well if memory serves some of those .bmp files are using a compression routine. Try opening the file with DXTBmp and it should work. It's free, you can get it at the link below.
MW Graphics
Cool deal Thanks bud.![]()