This Mig 15 is my first profile. After working the better part of a week on it. Im pretty happy with were its at so far. Long way to go but ya got to start somewere.
Thanks to Jester for helping me understand the highlights/Shading a little better. I know theres alot of room for improvment. But I would like to hear what you think so far. Any and all ideas/tips would be great.
Smart choice for a first profile! Not a overly complex plane but still a very nice aircraft. One thing that stands out, I'd let the highlights run all the way to the end of the exhaust because now it looks a lot rounder there then it is (in my memory). Good start!
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And an interesting subject, too! Looking good so far. Supah is right about that tailpipe highlighting. You might consider extending the highlight a bit to the front, too.
Thanks for the info on the highlights front and back. I will fix that tonight and continue on to the panel lines and rivets. I have done a few skins for IL2 is it the same process, If not anyone have some tips.
Are you using Bevel and Emboss on the rudder/fin join? It looks like it. That does tend to make it all consistent and soft, a bit toy-like. I assume, like most rudders, the Mig 15 has a rounded front edge and flat tops and bottoms? I'd reduce your bevel and emboss until it looks right for the top and bottom of the rudder only and then manually add the shading and highlighting along the rudder leading edge to give the roundness and depth. Move your highlight up closer to the leading edge too. I reckon you are nearly there.
Thanks a bunch for the quick replys. Grubby I did do the bevel/emboss, Also I did one all the way manually. I just needed some opinions it what direction I needed to go with it.
I will update tonight after I do some more adjustments
Hey Mjag,
It's not bad to use the PS stuff like bevel/emboss but you'll be stuck with what the filter or effect can do and it might not match what the real shapes are. It's only good if A: the filter matches the reference, B: you're in a hurry or C: you're not picky
I've got to say my standard phrase, look at the reference! A good photo, or even better, many photos, will inform you on what to do. Look at what you see. In this case the skin is pretty flat on both sides of rudder. Almost like it was one piece of sheet metal with the gap cut out. There is a rounded forward edge where the rudder is overlapped by the tail surface.
Take a look at these photos-
If you want to get really tricky notice how there is some uneven gaps where the panels don't line up. The gap around the rudder varies.
So, here's a simple revision of your wing-
That should do the trick. Now it will depend on how tricky and photo-realistic you want to get