Make sure you have 'Cap Lock' off mate, work in lower case only
I've downloaded the Raf fonts the first three. And I'm not getting anything in the "Text Entry" box. Am I downloading the fonts correctly?
How did you install them?
I Downloaded them into; MY Computer/Local disk C/Windows. From there I unzipped them. Then I "Moved These Files" into Fonts.
Am I getting you right that you are unable to select those fonts in your fontlist? Or can you select the font and there is no text appearing? In the last situation go by Kristorf's advice. These fonts seldom support capitals (only when there are multiple versions of a letter). Type everything in lowercase.
I can select the fonts but they don't appear. I have tried again with lower case. it works! thanks.
Last edited by joes1944; 8th April 2008 at 15:53.
I don't know if this was resolved or not (hopefully by now) but it sounds like a case of the characters you are typing not being included in the font set -- lower case or otherwise. I looked and the only characters you get with the RAF sets are all uppercase alphabet and numbers. You can verify this by viewing the font with the Character Map tool in Windows.
Frank Safranek
Mirage Aircraft for Flight Simulator