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  1. #1

    Realistic windows?

    Might be a simple thing for many of you, but a struggle for me;
    How do I paint windows (for example a windscreen for a B737 or F50) that looks realistic? I'm working with shades of grey but I don't seem to get it right....
    Aircraft I'm currently painting is meant for AI and window details are on the same BMP as all other textures so Alpha channels seem impossible to use?

  2. #2

    Re: Realistic windows?

    Hey there m8.

    Actually your Alpha will still work as long as the texture you are working on has a _t.bmp for it's name. The _t denotes to FS that it is a reflective texture,all you need to do is paint your Alpha channel window areas with a 230/230/230 or lower grey value and it will reflect. As for window color,I prefer a bluish-grey for the coloration. It all is dependent as well if the windows have a transparent material applied too them on the original model.

    Hope this helps you m8

  3. #3

    Re: Realistic windows?

    Unfortunattely no "_t.bmp" and no transparant material.....
    Gues this will be a trial and error on various shades of grey and blue....
  4. #4

    Re: Realistic windows?

    sorry about that m8. Without a _t on the texture, the alpha will only make the part transparent.


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