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Hi all!
III./ZG 1 skinpack #1 released. It contain skins for Bf109E-7, used by Gruppe from may 1942 to september 1942.
As usual - on
Next will be #2, covering Me210A-1/C-1 and Me410A-1 skins, 1942 - 1943.
Last part will contain Ju88C-6 skins (but I am not sure for now) for Gruppe actions over Biscay Bay 1944.
Any comments are appreciated!
Best wishes, Evgeny.
Zerstorer Research Work Group, "SKG210/ZG1 in action over Ostfront"
Sorry but can't see the screenshots...![]()
Find my skins
Me210A-0, Fritz Stehle, 2N+CD - III Gruppe ZerstorerGeschader 1 "Wespe" #6
Me210C-1, Fritz Hobein, 2N+AD, GruppenKomandeur III./ZG 1 - III Gruppe ZerstorerGeschader 1 "Wespe" #3
Bf109E-7, S9+CD - III Gruppe ZerstorerGeschader 1 "Wespe" #4
Roland Borth, Bf109E-7, S9+AD, GruppenKomandeur III./ZG 1 - III Gruppe ZerstorerGeschader 1 "Wespe" #3
Werner Ringel, Bf109E-7, S9+GT - III Gruppe ZerstorerGeschader 1 "Wespe" #2
Dominikus Kneidl, Bf109E-7, S9+AS, StaKa 8./ZG 1 - III Gruppe ZerstorerGeschader 1 "Wespe" History
Best wishes, Evgeny.
Zerstorer Research Work Group, "SKG210/ZG1 in action over Ostfront"
Coming soon:
Aircraft: Me210A-1
W.Nr.: 155
Unit: 7./ZG 1
Code: 2N+BR
Pilot: Hptm. Kurt Loos, (Staffelkapit?n)
Description: On 26.11.42 this aircraft was shot down in combat with RAF fighters south-west of Medjez el Bab. Pilot was killed, Bortschutze - Ofw. Heinz Schrodt - prisoned.
Aircraft: Me210C-1
W.Nr.: 036
Unit: 8./ZG 1
Code: 2N+GS
Pilot: Oblt. Heinz Redlich (Staffelkapit?n)
Description: On 18.11.42 this aircraft was shot down by Flak from ship on combat mission north-east of Appollonia. Both crewmen were killed.
Aircraft: Me210A-1
W.Nr.: 088
Unit: 8./ZG 1
Code: 2N+AS
Pilot: Hptm. Heinrich Sass (Staffelkapit?n)
Description: On 22.12.42 this aircraft crashed on take-off for combat mission from Trapani airfield. Hptm. Harald Zimmermann (Staffelkapitan 9./ZG 1) was killed on the ground by the aircraft’s exploding bombs
Aircraft: Me210A-1
W.Nr.: 071
Unit: 9./ZG 1
Code: 2N+AT
Pilot: Lt. Alwin Meyer
Description:. Crew wounded on combat mission on 4 december 1942. Aircraft a write-off. 50 Kms. East of Faid. After recovery, Meyer flew as usual wingman of Fritz Stehle in Stab III./ZG 1 and 5./ZG 26.
Aircraft: Me210C-1
W.Nr.: 031
Unit: 11./ZG 1
Code: 2N+MV
Pilot: Hptm. Friedrich Plank (Staffelkapit?n)
Description: Did not return from combat mission on 29.11.42. After his death 11./ZG 1 was renamed Erprobungsstaffel 410.
Best wishes, Evgeny.
Zerstorer Research Work Group, "SKG210/ZG1 in action over Ostfront"
Good evening Sir,
I am a new commet looking for informations about Harald Zimmermann. Shere did you fond all these datas please and did you finally draw the 8. And 9. ZG1 Me 210 tou are talking about ? Many thanks. Olivier
I have your 110 template and I wanted to tell you that it's probably the most beautiful, detailed, professional template I have ever seen. It looks like you put a lot of effort and thought into it.
I was wondering if you have any other templates available for download?
Last edited by Aviar; 12th November 2010 at 01:09.