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  1. #1

    Me-109 Engine cowling paint line.

    I have painted a spray frosting of Dark Grey RLM72 from the top spine of the engine cowling down to the begining of the sides where it starts to curve. The layers are, Combined cammo, Top color & Top base color. All are RLM 72. Gradually fading into Light Blue Green RLM78(Layer color 407). Then fading into Light Blue RLM76 for the bottom (Layer Bottom). Instead I get this; Picture 1. The sum of 4 layers is what it looks like in Paintshop proX and what it should look like in the game. However, Picture 2. Me-109 Cowling is what it actually looks like in the game. I have tried to re-arrange the 3 paint layers of Grey top coat that I have, in different order but the result is the same. A paint line instead of a frosting. Any ideas, solutions?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Me-109 Engine cowling paint line.

    I remember this issue... I used to know exactly where that part of the cowl was on the skin. I seem to think it's near the wing roots? Try the panel finder and see what colors you get there, maybe somebody will be able to clarify more exactly in the mean time.

  3. #3

    Re: Me-109 Engine cowling paint line.

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