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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    What is the correct paint scheme for this

    What was the correct paint scheme for a Post WW 1 US Army fighter, an MB-3A. Probably in use from 1919 thru 1925. I seen some planes from that era with "bright yellow wings". I can't believe they did that. I'd appreciate some help in that matter. I've animated the prop but it doesn't show in this photo.

  2. #2

    Re: What is the correct paint scheme for this

    I know little to nothing about this one but after looking at the photos, I'd say it's still in the over-all British PC-10 color, basically and olive drab kind of thing.
    Interesting subject though

    This one looks like it might have yellow wings and a gray (?) cowling? The rest is probably PC10

    And a few paintings, for what they're worth-

    I'd put my money on that last painting being correct based on my assumption.
    For the color PC-10, look here-
    Some of the photos are gone but I don't know which ones they were
    Maybe this is one?
    Name:  PC10.jpg
Views: 106
Size:  46.0 KB
    That's a real piece of PC10 fabric I have with several color matches called out by a number of sources.
    I believe that there's a pretty good chance the US might have been using British red and blue (VR2 & VB3) for the markings too.
    The best place to ask is here-
    The Aerodrome

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: What is the correct paint scheme for this

    Thanks for all of the information. All I could come up with was FS34087 for the upper surfaces, clear dope finish on most else. I take clear dope to mean a pale yellow. I used the technical drawings from the book "Scale Aircraft Drawings, Vol I, WW I." It's to be animated so I had to keep the polygon count down. It's not one of those near perfect right down to the last nut & bolt aircraft like you see foresale at Turbo Squid.

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