You own the Mustang GFB, its got to be the benchmark on simmers. Very nice work.
More WOW!![]()
Very nice!![]()
Cheers Jester, but I don't know about that to be honest, thats why I have begun to re-work it. (you know how it is)
The unfinished Mustang that you posted in the Line Drawing thread looks pretty good to my eyes, I remember you posting a WIP in the distant past, and always thought that it was a shame that you never finished it.![]()
Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 15th October 2008 at 05:55.
The way things are going, I don't think I ever will GFR. Some things you can pick up and the fit right away, others you can pick and try all your life and never feel comfortable in, I guess thats the way things will be with me and the mustwang. Bottom line I think . . . . it doesn't have to be exact, it just has to look right and too many people have too many ideas. To a point I had a similar problem with my Spitfire, but I checked and checked and you know what, not even the restored Spits are identical to each other. They all have a bump here, a notch there, that add character to the individual aircraft. I’ve seen it in WW2 aircraft and I’ve seen it in modern day (wash my mouth out) aircraft.
One point to bear in mind, I believe the F-16 was the first airframe with truly interchangeable parts. Any panel of one F-16 should fit another of the same model. This was apparently because it was the first aircraft designed within a computer and manufactured from that data. I remember reading that even F-14 and F-15 panels weren't easily interchangeable as they were hand fitted in the factory.
Now think about WWII aircraft production: many factories, many assembly plants, different countries even! No wonder we have a hard time nailing down details!!
In my on-going and almost certainly un-achievable attempt to draw the best Mustang profile that I possibly can. I submit its latest (and most probably not last) incarnation.
Oh...and I still haven't got round to fixing the step here stencil yet. I prefer to leave the big jobs for last.![]()
hi GFR,
nice, very nice, but!, i, that is me personaly, have a problem with the shape of the section at the very front, that is the spinner, engine cowling and intake,back to the start of the manifold. can't put my finger on it, there is just something![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
GFR, I offer up my first born (come to think of it, the second and third, too) for some clues as to how you worked that beautiful metal finish!
I agree with John on the probiscus problem. IMHO, the spinner is a bit too long compared to the base diameter, and the upper spinner outer line should fair smoothly into the cowl. Hope this view helps:
Once again, GFR, your work has taken my breath away! That metalwork is simply stunning. I feel I could touch it. You have captured so many subtle shapes on this airframe. Bravo!