The idea is to have fun. If it becomes tedium, what's the point? I provide accuracy. After that it's your own game. AUGHHH!!! No guns!!! I'm defenceless and naked!
After the P-51 rush, I'm adding my contribution to the latest one: the He 162.
This is just a WIP of course, but I thought I'd have some fun and post it with Soviet-style scheme. I don't know what you guys think, but it looks fantastic in those colours IMO.I think I'll also try some 1940 French colours as well.
With many thanks to Otters for his very kind help. 95% of this is based on his work (I'll send the list of what I've changed when I'm done, Otters, if you still want that?).
I'm currently playing with the canopy and trying to add some clouds and others reflections. Not finished yet, but having fun:
Last edited by gamary; 24th September 2008 at 23:31. Reason: Plurals. I like plurals.
The idea is to have fun. If it becomes tedium, what's the point? I provide accuracy. After that it's your own game. AUGHHH!!! No guns!!! I'm defenceless and naked!
OH NO!!! Not another one without taped rivets and panel lines![]()
Looks good so far, the clouds are a really nice touch!
Tell me about the color and camouflage. The demarcation between top and bottom colors particularly.
I dunno...maybe this was his inspiration?
I did these skins sometime ago.![]()
OK. But how can it be fun without all the little details?The idea is to have fun. If it becomes tedium, what's the point?
As for the colours, here's the reason for the demarcation: when I draw, I start by drawing a big 50% grey blob and begin to shade and light it until somebody goes "funny, it almost looks like an airplane!". At that point, I start adding smaller details, panel lines, etc. And since the blob still looks dull, I take a quick break and paint some silly camouflage on it, in approx. 3.76 seconds. So (I know, this is a very long explanation), the blue underside looks like that because I just drew a straight line with a blue brush. That's the brush's "step" setting which makes it look like that.
Nice skin, Jadehawk. My inspiration was not that but the usual Yak-3 i IL2FB I'd love to play 1946, but my computer will only take FB. It's so slow that PF is too much, and even the Leningrad map in FB is overwhelming it...![]()
Last edited by gamary; 25th September 2008 at 15:34. Reason: Reason for e-dating.
nice camouflage GMI'm very curious to see the french camo on it...
Here is a first "render". I tried the French colours but then I realized that I'd screwed up the lighting and shading so I had to rework it all. Even now I'm not satisfied with the result but I'll call it a day. Maybe I'll do some more work on it tomorrow.
Otters, I couldn't find much reference to that handle/locking lever on top of the canopy frame, so I painted it like this:
Does that seem correct to you?
looks great GM i still cant figure surface texturing lol even the tute here was little help, i tent to use a bout 5 layers of noise>motion blur in all odd angles but hey, yours looks great![]()
looks great!
The surface with it's weathering is very interesting! For me weathering is the most difficult work! I think all profile painters have their own technique, and in most cases "TOP SECRET". So I will not ask how you have done this. Maybe I will aslo find that way to do!
Regarding the rivets: Have a detailed look at pictures of the He 162. Rivets are just a little bit visible. Also check the number of rivets in that section. There were just about 10 rivets from the panel line up to the cockpit.
Cheers, Simon
great work GM![]()