Hi Jim
I'm new to this forum myself (although not new to profile drawings). I really like your work ! However, there?s few thing that, in my oppinion could be better:
1. The canopy glass doesn't look like glass...try to check some of the expirienced guys in here...tehy really do a great job on the canopys
2. There's a very good tutorial for adding texture (take a look in the tutorials/photoshop section). If you tried that out i think you could add some realism to the drawing
3. The bare metal parts looks abit too saturated.
4. There highlighted areas behind the cockpit are far too light compared to the highlighted area in front of the cockpit. Maybe the best thing would be to highlight the fron part of the aircraft too.
5. Maybe a light weathering would suit this drawing...
Let there be no doubt that this is good work, but maybe it just needs alittle more attention...
Hope you can use my comments !