Still not quite there...but close! Have a look at these images excerpted from Eagle Editions "Yellow 10: The Story of the Ultra Rare Fw-190 D13" (Well worth the buy!) The entire cowl needs to be reworked on yours. Also take note of the underwing colours. Notice also the serial plates on the fuselage just below the Balkenkreuz. Admirable effort on your part. Look forward to you tweaking it across the finish line. There are numerous photos of the brilliantly restored "Yellow 10" on line as well.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 25th November 2008 at 06:26.
Great Thank to you, Otterkins2, with your pictures of 10 Yellow. The book is impossible to get, unfortunately. As you said, the finish line is near !!! But I need to modified some details of my profile. Of course, and thanks to your helps, I accept the challenge !! Then, we will compare between the first and the last profile.
Give me time and we will see the result.
All the best.
I've modified my Fw190D13 plan. It was made under Flash in vectorial lines, so it's quite easy to modified.
Next step: adapt the plan to the color profile made under photoshop...
Hi Guys !!
Thank to your help, I would like to present you the last (hope so !) step of my Fw190D13 profile modifications...I hope that I've joined the finish line. Your contribution were really usefull for this challenge !
All the best.
Looks good now! To look perfect maybe change some things:
1. RLM 75 underwing colour should be a little bit darker
2. Balkenkreuz position on the underside of the wing
3. remove the ETC under the fuselage
4. RLM 04 colour of the "10"
5. Check the swastika dimensions
Hi guys, and thanks a lot for your posts.
I've considered your excellent remarks and made some modifications. For ETC, well, I would like to keep it because it give more volume to my profile. Just a question of feeling...This Fw190 was a great adventure, thanks to you, dear profilers !! I've learned a lot with yours posts.
All the best.
Wlad, it will be much easier to remove the ETC rack and do it as a separate illustration on its own. After that, it's easy enough to transport it to any new drawing, plunk it in place and size it appropriately as long as you have it on its own layer. Most profilers work that way so that they have maximum versatility and can customise to any variant they want in an eyeblink. Properly, Yellow 10 never had an ETC rack mounted and every single photograph of it supports that point of view, so technically....ya still got work to do!