between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony
Re: Oscar Deuce
I get one of these flying over my house all the time during the fire season, must have a fire spotting contract with the authorities. Is this a local airframe, Grubby? maybe its one in the same.
Hey, GFR. What colour is it? There's a red and yellow shark spotter that buzzes up and down the coast all summer long (VH-SBZ). It's based at Essendon with a similarly coloured Partenavia. Might it be that one? These things seem to be approaching the end of their service life. There are two or three derelict at Moorabbin. I know Temora have an actual O-2 that they fly around (VH-0II), and I think there is at least one other O-2 flying in Australia.
between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony
Re: Oscar Deuce
Grubby, not sure about the colours, but it seems to be predominantly white/gray in colour(dunno about other markings) but you have to realize that even though its a lot lower then usual, im still only using a MK1 eyeball for identification, and may be mistaken. Having said that the 0-2 dose emanate quite a distinctive sound.
Looks very good. I'd suggest you try to improve the shape definition (mostly in the nose area) as it looks a tad flat. It looks very good already, but you can make it even better.