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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Tempest V Series 2 (I hope!)

    Hi Rat, It's looking georgeous. Don't worry about being a beginner. If there is one thing I have noticed here it's that the learning curve may be steep, but there are very willing hands here at Simmers and the progress is always rapid for those who listen and stick it out!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Tempest V Series 2 (I hope!)

    hey grubby,

    are you saying i don't listen?, er what did you say


    of my two external HD's, no seriously the first image is from The Aeroplane march 2nd 1945, was given a bunch of these and brought some of ebay, scanned the bits i wanted then threw the lot in the bin (very smelly old paper) the second one is from a web site that you pay to download the images, the size you see them, you can get bigger for a biggish sum.
    and the last one is from the +4 book on the Tempest.

    i've told you guys before, if you want something just ask and i will send you what i have , appox 8000 books and mags and millions of images.
    now who is the craziest on here
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Tempest V Series 2 (I hope!)

    I think that qualify you for the Mad List, JM!
  4. #24

    Re: Tempest V Series 2 (I hope!)

    Hey Ratfugel, sorry for coming into this so late
    It's looks pretty good overall!
    A few more suggestions to heap on all the others you've addressed already:
    The rudder green looks more black than the rest. It's probably due to the way you've shaded the fabric. Is there anyway you can get it to match the rest of the green?
    The horizontal tail would really look great with a shadow under it. Don't go nuts, be subtle; just enough so that you can see it's a shadow.
    You can do the same with the under carriage. The main gear door could be partially in shadow and maybe you could increase the shadow on the inner door too?
    if possible, can the wing tip fix be cleaned up some?
    You're working so different than what I'm used to so some of those changes might be difficult.
    Anyway, that's my late two cents worth of suggestions

  5. #25

    Re: Tempest V Series 2 (I hope!)

    Thanks for your help - agaaaaain! A thought crosses my mind that computer screens vary quite a bit and can give quite different images. I have had a look at one or two of mine on other folks boxes and been quite surprised. I went straight home and checked my monitor settings and found with some relief that it was 'running as advertised' as one might say.

    Anyway, I'll have yet another look at this accursed Tempest! Watch this space just in case I manage to make any worthwhile mods!

    P.S. (God only knows what you lot will say about my Vulcan).
  6. #26

    Re: Tempest V Series 2 (I hope!)

    Re BH's comments. Creating a shadow effect where mentioned, meant going right tweaking bits here and there around the aircraft otherwise it wouldn't have looked right. Now that I've done it, I'm pleasantly surprised. Must surely have got to the end by now. ( And good riddance I hear someone say!!)
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