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  1. #11

    Re: Bristol Bulldog WIP

    Try not to fall off the cliff whilst you're out.OK?

  2. #12

    Re: Bristol Bulldog WIP

    Light the blue touch paper and stand well clear hey Rat.
    Despite people insolence in some of the forum, I’ve never felt the need to personally wish them harm. What kind of a person does that make you?
    I find your comment slightly disturbing to say the least.
    This is a place for artists of all kinds to come and share their ideas, not to form a coup d’etat. I recommend you calm yourself down just a shade and re evaluate your reasons for being here.

    You may very well have the best methods for drawing profiles, you may not, but you don’t come in here telling us how it is when you haven’t even finished a single profile. As for calling the rest of the community lemmings, including some of the people here who have been making money out of profile art for some time now, I question your logic.

    Now, take a chill, pull up a chair act like a grown up and lets get down to drawing some art, without the back biting and slandering.

    Now wind your bottom lip in, sit down, your beer is getting warm.
  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Bristol Bulldog WIP

    wheres mine!

    the beer that is
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Bristol Bulldog WIP

    Eh???? Where did all this come from??? Try as I may, I can find no slight to the community in Rat's comments. Maybe we all need to sit down and relax with a beer.
    Last edited by Otterkins2; 8th February 2009 at 01:53.
  5. #15

    Re: Bristol Bulldog WIP

    I thought this was a forum not an arena. I will make one thing abundantly clear, no one has more regard and respect for the brilliant draughtsmanship and artistry displayed on this site than me. My light hearted reference to lemmings merely referred to the huge abundance of other flat, lifeless coloured side views visible all over the net, laughingly labelled as profiles. So far as my own puny efforts are concerned, then I am sorry if I have offended anyone. As a beginner I tried to learn the profiling art from the bottom up and I am most grateful to those people who have understood this and offered their help and gentle criticisms. If Jesters thinks I have never actually finished one, then so be it. He is entitled to his own opinion and particular style of articulate rhetoric. Not my problem. Let?s just say that I will try to keep my thoughts to myself in future.
  6. #16

    Re: Bristol Bulldog WIP

    No need to keep your thoughts to yourself Rat, but why not present them with a little more tact? So you think my work is flat, you are also entitled to your opinion, that does not bother me. It?s the way I work and I like it as it is.
    What does bother me is your continued insults to those who chose to profile that way.
    As for your work, there is nothing wrong with the way you do things, what ever works is what I say, but there is no need to keep hitting it home.
    I?m offering you a hand shake Rat, its up to you weather you take it?
    No how about that beer?

    As for you John, yours is still in the fridge . . .
  7. #17

    Re: Bristol Bulldog WIP

    Accepted Jesters. No offence taken. Incidentally, I have never suggested your work might be flat, which I doubt very much that it would be anyway. Enjoy the beer.


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