Light the blue touch paper and stand well clear hey Rat.
Despite people insolence in some of the forum, I’ve never felt the need to personally wish them harm. What kind of a person does that make you?
I find your comment slightly disturbing to say the least.
This is a place for artists of all kinds to come and share their ideas, not to form a coup d’etat. I recommend you calm yourself down just a shade and re evaluate your reasons for being here.
You may very well have the best methods for drawing profiles, you may not, but you don’t come in here telling us how it is when you haven’t even finished a single profile. As for calling the rest of the community lemmings, including some of the people here who have been making money out of profile art for some time now, I question your logic.
Now, take a chill, pull up a chair act like a grown up and lets get down to drawing some art, without the back biting and slandering.
Now wind your bottom lip in, sit down, your beer is getting warm.