BH, just like you I pride myself on accuracy so it is a very big concern. I will not pass on to others that which I feel is bogus or erronius. Before I waste my time reproducing it, I want to make certain it's correct.
At the moment I'm working through all the known JG emblems having polished off Stuka Geschwaders. I'm up to about 280 JG emblems now (I lost count after 250) and every time I think I'm done a few new ones turn up. I started this 30 years ago by hand illustrating them. Now I'm back on the job having converted all of those to Illustrator and just about quadrupling the electronic data base in terms of known emblems.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 27th February 2009 at 21:05.
Just so you know what's involved, I dropped this about a month back because the lettering is right off the map as far as fonts are concerned and none of it lines up. Painted by a Luftwaffe member who was stoned on too much schnapps I many emblems. "Ja! Ich bin ein Painter!" Sorry, but you ain't, and some of them look to be produced in the midst of fever dreams. It all has to be done by hand and after a couple of days at it I got pissed off and put it on the back burner. I have a very good photo of the originional and have yet to see a proper reproduction of it. There are many JG emblems that require this kind of effort, so it tires you out after a bit. I am determined to finish the task though, so I'll soldier on. The inscription reads "Wer zuerft Schiesst hat mer vom Lieben"...loosely translated..."Whoever shoots first has more life". Lots of fun!!!
Last edited by Otterkins2; 27th February 2009 at 21:14.
Otterkins once again however correctly, "Wer zuerst Schiesst hat mehr vom Leben" understood... otherwise you are also such an author over whom you degrees times speak yourself here.
Revolver, I try really hard to understand German because it's so impotant to what I'm doing. Please forgive my ignorance, but that's what the photo says. In fact, the "e"s look more like "o"s, so I see I have more tinkering to do. First image is the actual photo. The second is my hand drawn facimile (not accepted with other grocery store cupons) and the third is my Illustrator version. I'll get it right yet. Now back to JG77.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 28th February 2009 at 05:31.