I expect the Skinner's Pack will go into the main phase of closed testing inside a week.
It will ease skinner's work and contain certain new features like different skins depending on unit, time of day, date etc. However, it is still an early incomplete version and the focus will be on testing, that is on reporting errors and on feedback on the medium/long term plans. I am sure people testing the Skinner's Pack will more easily and clearly understand my vision on how to make BoB2 THE sim for WWII skinners.
If you have BoB2, want to test, have time to test in the medium term and maybe are interested in the future of skinning, then PM or email me to get a place in the test group.
This is mainly to get feedback BEFORE I commit to a certain way of handling skins, so quite a few things will not be possible to do in a form that can be sent to users yet.
Last edited by Serval; 9th May 2011 at 20:09.