What I neglected to mention is that this one is going to be .... (hushed silence) ....polished aluminium!
I'm thinking I'll need all the help I can get. Anyone done a real shiny one yet? I've been mucking around on a Mustang, but I'm nowhere near happy yet. I may end up brushing in all the reflective detail.
My suggestions would be the following: use some very sharp highlights, and a reflection map. Take a nice picture of your house (or an airfield if you want to be more plausible) and stick it on the fuselage. You'll need to lighten it up, make it quite transparent and distort it, but that is the basic idea. I briefly played with that on my B-25 some time ago. The result must be in the thread somewhere.
Thanks, Gamary. I new someone here must have attempted it! It should be a bit easier on the smaller ircraft. I can see the Liquify Filter looming on my horizon!!
Open your profile with photoshop. Done? Now go to the kitchen. Done? Take an iron tiles brush. Done? Start scrubbing you monitor as strong as you can!...done?...does it shine? ehe ehe h!!!! bad joke. **Don't do it at home!**
GM idea is very good. But don't forget to work on blue and brown colors. Brighter and mirror looking like is and more these two tonalities must be strong. BTW, I remember the GM post on B-25. I alredy added some real pictures of Red Bull B-25 with a nice polished metal.....
Hey Guys, check this out: I added a chrome gradient to the fuselage, made a flattened copy of the fuselage and put it on a new layer. Then I ran the Filter / Sketch / Chrome filter, played around with blend mode and opacity and got this result. Took about ten minutes.
Looks good. You should work on the upperside with a good white light...lower part has the right color tought...it's not a reflective polished surface (yet).....