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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Pekin, IL

    Re: F-14D Tomcat VF-2 1995


    My #1 suggestion for new profilers:

    Put everything on separate layers.

    For example, I would at the very least separate the fuselage layers from the engine layers. (For one thing, it would make it much easier to shade the fuselage behind the engine inlets.) Make individual sets of layers (lines, rivets, paint, markings, shadow, highlighting, etc., etc.) also for the wings, pylons ordnance, etc. It seems like a lot of work at first, but it will pay off in spades later on.
  2. #12

    Re: F-14D Tomcat VF-2 1995

    As you are using Photoshop, have you checked this topic on the forum ?
    This is of great help.

    And concerning your last post, to draw lines, I use 3 views plans, and draw each line by hand/mouse. To be more accurate, I correct lines using real photos.

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