Looking good so far. Let's wait for some more progress...
The beast should be named grief instead of greif. It's complex, has too many variants, and there isn't enough photo reference IMO, but here is a first shot:
John, you may open fire.
There is still lots to do, including doing something about that wingtip, which doesn't stick out enough and looks a bit flat. Maybe some sort of gradient running down from the wingtip?
Let me know what you guys think.
Looking good so far. Let's wait for some more progress...
Very nice and accurate. I like youre shadowing. That is so good like real aircraft. BRAVO
I hope that soon will be update.
Nice work man
very very nice GM![]()
Thank you guys. Here's a quick update:
I've added guns mostly. Still need to add that aft dorsal turret and other things but soon enough I'll start painting it.
Looks good so far Ga?tan!
Wish you a lot of fun with all the sub-variants of the Greif!
Cheers, Simon
Looks quite nice Ga?tan, it and must be difficult to draw, its not like there are a lot of great references around for the type, other than grainy period photos.
You might want to add a strong high-light to the wing tip too bring it out from the fuselage, also consider darkening the area of the wing close to the fuse, its what I did for the Jug and it seems to have worked ok.
It pretty hilarious that I am the one offering advice on how to draw wings, considering the number of times that I have mentioned that I cant do them, around here.![]()
Another beauty--keep 'em coming bud!!
I just about choked when I read GFR's comment on "not being able to draw wings" after seeing his P-47 posting!!![]()
Hi gamary,
a good diagram work, but I sees here no certain He-177"Greif", but a hybrid from He-177"Greif".More to this machine find you HERE, and next time make please correct, if you do not want to invent the He-177"Greif" once again.
Best regards,
Last edited by Revolver; 25th March 2009 at 13:14.
hi GM,
play time over, could you check your spinner please, it looks wrong, very wrong, check this diagram and photo.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)