Hunters so far, might still need minor tweaking.
Awesome Hunter video
Thanks Gaëtan! I will be glad when they are done, working on assignments does force you to make progress even if you havent quite thought out how you want to do things. Then again it does stop you from working on the same drawing for two years like my F-16 (Whoops!)
Awesome man! I might see it tomorrow at the Dutch Air Force open day.
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Thanks for bringing this thread back, there is something about the single seat Hunters which just makes them look the cleanest a/c ever to fly and seeing the art on the side of the trailer, great for the ego, just need to convince them to make a trip over here for me to see the trailer!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
That hunter F6 they fly makes a real sweet sound during high speed passes too, looks coolI am still looking for more rivet information on it and then I will upgrade the drawings to do more painthschemes and types.