Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
A quickie as I don't have a lot of spare time at the moment. ( Yeah, I know - it's another gas turbine job - sorry)
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Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
Really, really nice! Keep 'em coming. My only suggestion is that the shadow beneath the trailing edge of the horizontal tail doesn't extend far enough back.
Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
nice work ratfugel
Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
Hi Rat!
it looks good, but a little bit too clean to me! It would be more realistic if the profile gets some dirt and weathering.
Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
I believe German aircraft are never allowed to get dirty! Took me ages to get this one this clean!
Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
yep, I copy ratfugel: Atlantics, as well as the P-3C are glossy finish clean birds. Never seen one with dirty, oil or wheathered....
Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
I think their washed down after landing to remove salt That might explain the cleanness.
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Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
I know P-3C's are washed down. But I've seen a couple flat/semi-gloss subdued P-3's, though.
24th July 2009, 16:08
Re: Breguet Br 1150 'Atlantic'
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