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Thread: S-3 Viking

  1. #11

    Re: S-3 Viking

    Here's my two pennyworth. The wing is actually made up of straight sections, with a much deeper frontal fairing. The airfoil section doesn't look right. Too humpy. Would be a sod to fly. If you could find out what section they actually used, you could look it up and get it right.There's also a panel in the canopy side. Your profile actually looks very nice, but would be much improved if you could bump up the shading ( darken the lower edges to give a rounder effect and likewise, get some lighter shading on the top surfaces). Don't be frightened of trying these things out on different layers, then if they're wrong, then you can always dump 'em. Going nicely at present though. Now get down to it!

  2. #12

    Re: S-3 Viking

    Thanks for your help with this prooject ! I have been looking into the shape of teh wing, and have added some shades and a few other details. What do you think ?
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: S-3 Viking

    Mads, I think the wing problem has to do with your highlight along the leading edge. If you look at the front view of the airplane you'll see that the leading edge is a straight line from the tip to the pylon break, then it is another straight line segment to the fuselage. Your highlight and shadows gives that inner wing an almost gull-shaped leading edge. I'd suggest a highlight straight-line segment that describes the thickened airfoil at the root area. This one is IMHO more accurate--He's used an upper-surface highlight that defines the shape very well, although its hard to see in this scan.

    Please forgive my pickiness on this topic, but we did quite a bit of work on the S-3 in my working days at NASA, and the wing just doesn't look right.

    I didn't realize how many profile artists get the shape of the S-3 wing wrong until I checked--some pretty big names have it wrong!

    Also, don't forget the insignia on the upper wing.

    Please keep your terrific artwork--and photos--coming!!

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  4. #14

    Re: S-3 Viking

    Thanks ! I think you might be right with the highlight being the main problem. Luckly thats a pretty easy fix, so iŽll keep tring untill i get it right.

    Thanks again for commenting on my work. I really appriciate that !
  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: S-3 Viking

    to be honest,

    i think the wing looks better with the smooth contour, rather than the straight angles it shoud be, why did they not design it that way
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: S-3 Viking

    With just a little shadowing and highlighting changes, you have a masterpiece!!

    This photo is at an almost perfect view for profilers and gives some great guidance for the shading/highlighting as well as the wing stall strips, wing fold hinge cover, and vertical tail fold line. Also, you might want to check the wingtip pod as it might be a little too large.

    Really glad you picked this subject. On Oct. 17-19 the annual Oceana Air Show will be held, and I was thinking it won't be long before the only active Navy aircraft on display will be the F-18!!
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  7. #17

    Re: S-3 Viking

    Sorry to be so hard on you. Looking much, much better now. Accuracy is the name of this game (or so I'm told LoL!)

  8. #18

    Re: S-3 Viking

    I have been working on the Viking again, and updated the wing layout...What do you think ? Does it look any better ?
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Detroit, MI, USA

    Re: S-3 Viking


    Judging from the picture posted by Vacajun, it looks as though there was a sizable gap in the vertical tail at the fold point, however on your profiles, it's a clean seam. Might want to have a go at incorporating such a gap.

    On the other hand, your wing profile does look a lot better in relation to the photos. Keep up the good work!

    Only other thing I'd do would be to tint the windows a bit. Same goes for your EA-8 Prowlers.
  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: S-3 Viking

    Let's see..for your consideration:

    Vertical tail fold line?

    Wing tip pod too big

    Wing chord from leading edge back to trailing edge is too long-gives wing a "fat look" (move trailing edge of wing forward) compared to real life (see photo)

    Try lighter shading on undersurface of wing compared to pylon--reverse of what you have now (see photo)

    Shadow from engine fan cowl should be sharp-edged rather than diffuse (see photo)

    Try a higher-up location for highlight on leading-edge of wing root area and a more gradual shading for under surface of fairing at root.

    Just a few tweaks away!!

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