Trains count as vehicles, don't they?
Here's a profile rendering of the Black Five steam locomotive:
It's a low-poly 3D model I created several years ago for a game called EA Train Simulator.
Here's what it looks like in 3D:
I also did a bunch of other trains and their cabins, including the German BR 294 diesel engine: its driver's cabin:
I hope you like them, despite being a few years old and low-poly (approx. 20,000 tris each).
More can be seen on my website, here:
Skyraider's 3D Aviation Art - Gallery - Trains (low-poly)
Thanks for looking!
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Thanks guys!
I'd actually like to do a train again... it's been a few years.
Kelcey why don't you have a go at 3D? With your Photoshop skills you could make killer models. Making trains, even (or especially?) low-poly takes a long time though. The Black Five took me about 30 working days, including the tender.
Rail (the current developer of the franchise) retains the rights to these models, as EA was the publisher.
Please see Facebook for my latest work:
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:
I could have used those several years ago...
Somehow quicky 2d just doesn't look as good as HQ 3D
Will you do more trains?
That's some truly sublime rendering there, mate, keep up the good work!
I'd love to see you do a 3D model of a warship.
Thanks guys!
Lieuwe, there's a few tutorials on my website but no modelling ones. There's pleny of them around though. I can dig up some links if you like?
Blowhard, nice stylised train nonetheless!
I might do more trains in the future, but only on commission as I don't have time to do them "for fun"... too many aircraft on the to-do list!
That said I'd love to do a high-detail Br 52 Kriegslok... and have it shot up by Mustangs!
Goodwood... 3D ships equals a dangerous level masochism! A Schnellboot or U-boot for instance would be an interesting and doable project! I doubt I'll ever model a Bismarck though and I will never find the time (or computer power!) to do a full aircraft carrier no matter how cool that would be! Still... never say never...![]()
Last edited by Skyraider3D; 8th October 2009 at 03:08.
Please see Facebook for my latest work:
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That would be awesome, which software would you advice for a beginner?
I saw one of those in a museum in Berlin this year, sadly the Museum didnt allow me to use my tripod. They said that if people saw good pictures on the internet they wouldn't come to the museum anymore. I think that's retarded, shaky cellphonecamera pictures are supposedly a better advertisement for their museum? Somehow I get the impression most museums are run by retards.That said I'd love to do a high-detail Br 52 Kriegslok... and have it shot up by Mustangs!![]()