The base model looks good, and although i´m no WW II buff i have some suggestions for the shading of this one:
1. The shadig on the fuselage should gradually get darker and darker, in order for the fuselage to appear to be round. Try and add a sronger shade at the bottom of the fuselage im pretty sure it´ll look good !
It actually is, but proberly not easy to see on this smaller picture, also will add more shade on top and bottom edges
2. I still think the shade cast by the vertical stabilizer on the rudder should be more narrow. Mu suggestion is to narrow the shade and add ahighlight right next it, that will make the rudder appear more bulgy
Agree and have planned to do so.
3. Another suggestion i have is, to add a shade on the top of the fuselage. The shade shouldn´t be that dark, but only bearly visible.
Agree and reply made in #1.
4. For future work on this rendition, i would suggest that you try and evaluate your highlights and shadings by adding a medium grey background and then remove the lines of the basemodel. in that way you´ll be able to evaluate where there´s shades or highlights missing, and you can see if they are even and generally if they "Look right"
Certainly try to. Did try adding colour to it, and then it looked complete different
, but it's a matter of transparency
I hoep you can use my suggestions ! Hold dampen oppe, der skal nok komme noget godt ud af denne her !