Are you saving your alpha channel before converting the file?
I'am having some issues in trying to convert .PSP files over to DXT5 with alpha channel in paint shop pro7. I have the NVIDIA plug-in v 3.02. Each time I try convert a file with a tranparent background my file appears with a solid white background. I havent really worked with DDS files very much in the past, so Iam a bit unfamilier with what I may be doing wrong
Are you saving your alpha channel before converting the file?
Hmm, no I havent. Can you tell me how I would do that?
Sorry if I try to correct/extend this![]()
Also, keep in mind I neither own nor know PSP.
Redband emailled me the DDS and it was indeed shot as he says. He then sent me a TGA and it was shot exactly the same way (either no alpha channel or all of the alpha channel says "100% opaque texel").
So, it does NOT seem to be a DDS export issue, but either an issue with the original picture or with export / save as in general.
I guess you're using the Nvidia plugin for dds ?
Apparently, it doesn't allow us to save a dds with an alpha channel.
Grab DXTbmp, it's a cool (and free) utility by Martin Wright that will allow you to do so.
I use it when I need an alpha channel and I don't when I just need a DXT1 texture.
More here :
I am still not convinced the basic issue is a DDS issue (although there might be several issues :-/ ), so:
- How do you check in PSP the thing has an alpha channel and what the alpha channel contains? Is there a "view alpha channel" command?
- Is there anything you can do wrong when saving a picture with alpha into TGA?
Before saving to TGA you need to save the mask to the alpha channel or you will end up with white instead of transparency. Here's how it looks in PSP9:
I have screen captures of all the steps if that would help.
Thanks for the information bzhyoyo. I'll download and try the grab DXTbmp.
Vigilante, if you have the screen captures that would be most helpful and appreciated !
Vig, feel free to use the attachment uploader on the forum if you'd like to save on your hosting space.![]()