akaik until now there?s no skinsite for targetware. and I don?t think they?ll be something like this in futuretime, because in targetland are much more 3D artists around than texture artists, so some planes ingame still have a temporary skin. every 3D model I painted until know was done completely from the scratch, so if you?re interrested in a paintjob you can ask on their boards for a template. (for now Blowhard and I are the only skinners from TW hanging around here)
for the tga/dds stuff: just save your work as a 24bit tga in the targetware/data/mod/planes/ac-type/skn subfolder, thats all. (alpha channels aren?t supported afaik) than create a skn*.skn file with a simple texteditor, it looks this way:
If you have any question about it, feel free to askC202 Texture Map by Ebola
name = Macchi c.202, 23rd Gruppo (3rd Stormo), Tunisia, 1943
num_textures = 2
[Texture 1]
orig = c202fuse.tga
skin = skn_202/c202_23_fuse.tga
[Texture 2]
orig = c202wings.tga
skin = skn_202/c202_23_wings.tga
cu, ebo