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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Impressive skin files!

    I just downloaded Targetware tonight and I must say I am very impressed with the skin files. Being in two different files makes for more room and somewhat larger details. Now I just have to figure out this .tga to .dds with compression stuff. I was wondering, Blowhard, since you seem to be the resident Targetware fellow, are there any skin and related sites for Targetware? I was at the official site, but there didn't seem to be anyplace to download skins.
    Last edited by Serval; 4th December 2015 at 20:41.
  2. #2

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    akaik until now there?s no skinsite for targetware. and I don?t think they?ll be something like this in futuretime, because in targetland are much more 3D artists around than texture artists, so some planes ingame still have a temporary skin. every 3D model I painted until know was done completely from the scratch, so if you?re interrested in a paintjob you can ask on their boards for a template. (for now Blowhard and I are the only skinners from TW hanging around here )

    for the tga/dds stuff: just save your work as a 24bit tga in the targetware/data/mod/planes/ac-type/skn subfolder, thats all. (alpha channels aren?t supported afaik) than create a skn*.skn file with a simple texteditor, it looks this way:

    C202 Texture Map by Ebola

    name = Macchi c.202, 23rd Gruppo (3rd Stormo), Tunisia, 1943
    num_textures = 2

    [Texture 1]
    orig = c202fuse.tga
    skin = skn_202/c202_23_fuse.tga

    [Texture 2]
    orig = c202wings.tga
    skin = skn_202/c202_23_wings.tga
    If you have any question about it, feel free to ask

    cu, ebo
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    I apologize m8, I didn't realize you skinned for Targetware too. I have the Richthofen's Skies module and I really like the WWI aircraft, I think I will try a skin or two for them. Maybe the folks at Flying Legends might be convinced to add a Targetware category for skins to their site since they have LOMAC and others as well. Thanks for the conversion info.
  4. #4

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    Blowhard, since you seem to be the resident Targetware fellow
    I share the "resident Targetware fellow" with Ebola There are and/or were several other 2D guys skinning at one time or another in TW but I don't think any of them read these boards.
    For RS, as well as the other mods after we've skinned something we go on to the next job. Right now we feel getting the planes done and online is more important than doing templates and downloadable skins. BUT, we've given it thought and I think once things get closer to finished or stable there will be some sort of official or unofficial skin and template resource.
    As of now, it's up to anyone interested to ask about a plane skin and see what the skinner in question is willing to hand out. What planes are you interested in? If they're ones I did, I'll set something up for you. If they're someone else's, I can point you to the right place
    I'm glad you're enjoying TW Turnip

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    I am enjoying it alot. Unfortunately my joystick crapped out on me after only a year so flying isn't something to do right now. I think I'm going to try a couple of Sopwith Camel skins in the meantime.
  6. #6

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    I didn't do the Camel. That was done by Fox. I could send you TGAs rather than you using converted DDS files. I can also send you the polygon/uv map if you'd like. If you want these, PM your email to me and I'll send them to you.
    I'll be interested to see what you can come up with

  7. #7

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    UPDATE- Sorry, I don't have real poly maps, all I have are poly maps with a set of drawings pasted on them. I don't think they would be much use over the plain TGAs. I do have them if you want them though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    Thanks for the offer m8. I'll see if I can manage for now, I am going to try one from scratch more or less like IL2 skins. Theres a beauty of a checkernose Camel begging to be done in my profile book.
  9. #9

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    Cool deal Turnip Let me know if you've got any questions. Keep in mind that if you do as good of a job as you did with the Gladiator you just might get shanghaied to the dev team

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    Heya BH,

    We miss ya! Remember DAH some 2d artists there. Happy new year and thanks to this place. Its an inspiration!

    --Mac Guy

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