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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    Can either of you fellows tell me how to zoom in real close to the aircraft, if it is possible to do so? I remember your Gladiator you posted Blowhard in another thread and you had a fairly close shot of it. I can't seem to get close enough using the + - keys. I haven't found anything in the documents or the keyboard maps. Is there another method I am missing? Thanks.
  2. #12

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    +/- keys on the numpad and the arrowkeys by default.
  3. #13

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    If you look at the views, the + and - buttons change the point of view. The default configure text has FOV zoom settings of 90, 75, 60, 45, and 30. You start out with 90 degrees and each time you hit you - button you get a tighter view. The default looks ok for distance but up close using the arrow keys you get a real distorted wide view. I usually go right to closest view, it looks most natural-

    Like Ebo says, the arrow keys will be how you get up close.
    Don't forget you can use an alpha channel to selectively mask out parts if they're in your way. For instance, you can mask the top wing so that you get a clear view of the fuselage and lower wing top.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    Ok cool thankyou m8s. I'll post some WIP when I get a little farther along with this. It seems it might be possible to have an invisible plane then with an alpha channel??
  5. #15

    Re: Impressive skin files!

    heheheheh, yes but only offline or on your own server, so no chance of doing a Wonder Woman thing on the official servers


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