Looks good but is that tail correct? I though the early models had more bumps there. Also shouldnt there be a ECM fairing on the intake? This is all of the top of my head ofcourse.
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Thanks for the comments Supah ! I think the tail is ok, Teh ECM bump on teh top trailing edge was common on the Phantoms but the early models didnīt have them. The ECM antenna on teh intake, was only installed on J- (the short version) and N-models (The long version). However, some J and Nīs didnīhave the ECM antennas on the intake at all. The VF-161 and VF-151 N-models that deployed to Atsugi in 1973 all lacked the ECM antenna, but flew all the way back to North Island and had them retro-fitted.
I plan on add all the possible antennas in seperate layers, so i can add them and removed them at will.
Hmm I'd swear I built a RF-4B with those ECM bumps once, but it might be on of the late ones with the thick wing so then what you said would make sense.
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Hereīs the latest update of the F-4 rendition. Iīll look into the exhaust area, and see if i can tweek it abit...But apart from that: what do you think ?
Rivets and Weathering, plus 100 details are still to be added, but this is how far i have got today !
Great job shading on the nose!
How about the l.e. camber on the hor. tail and eliminating that "cut-out" area on the lower fuselage keel? Also, strange tail marking-does it belong on the other side??