Looks flat.
Critiques? Evaluations? Large stones hurled in my direction? Note the outstanding grasp of German language.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 30th January 2010 at 06:54.
Looks flat.
In Jane's WWII Fighters, if you forget to raise your gear immediately after takeoff, the flight leader (or some AI wingman) will call you a "dumkopf".
Made me think of that...
It's good to see you in Pixelland after spending soooooo long in Vector Cuty.
Very impressive use of the Coloured Pencil Art Filter, Otter! It has given a wonderful life and innocence to your clinically accurate linework. Bravo!!
Wow otter I'm lost for words is this your brown/blue period. Can we see some detailed shots, love what you have done with the details. Not sure if this bird had a two bladed prop though?
looks like a cross between an I 16 a focke wulf and an he 100, otherwise excellent work I love the colors.And the wings are a bit squarish.
OOOOHHHH, that reminds my of childhood and this book cover from way back when!
Blowhard, that can't be too long ago then
But I think Otters attempt is very nice, just a bit pixelated
1968 isn't a long time ago? I was 4 years old thenI remember looking at those black and white cover profiles on those books at my local library and thinking how cool they were...that someday...