AP, Sooo much better!!![]()
Let's keep picking--looking forward to a superlative effort! Taking pickyness to a new level for your consideration:
The gun blast area surronding NM shape needs correction
Add air data probe (and its shadow) on side of nose
Shape of front canopy needs work (upper and lower lines)
Make canopy hinge lines darker
Tank fins have much longer streamwise chords
End of tank is sharper
The tank highlight would look better more diffuse (still not coveying the circular shape)
The tank highlight should change in intensity in the under wing shadow
Horizontal tail is way too small-the actual trailing edge extends beyond tail cone
Add triangular lines under h. tail
Fill in gap in beginning of ventral fin/tail hook area
Make afterburner petal lines pronounced
No camo on AB petals
Two major comments:
The wing upper surface problem is the shading you have at a nonexistent "break" point between inner and outer wing. Try just using a panel line there without form shading. Also, the standard F-105 paint scheme had a tan area on the rear upper wing area. If you use it, it will define the upper rear of the wing better.
Finally, the overall camo colors look too bright. The paints used on most Vietnam era aircraft faded rapidly, with the tan becoming more yellowish and the greens more greyish and subdued.
All for now. Please, please take these comments as nothing more than suggestions--this is coming along so good!!![]()