I have a suggestion for the NMF: add a nearly transparent layer (or layers) with some random scratches, dots, squiggles, etc. to give it some texture. It looks a little painted or plastic right now.
Hello, everyone. I was looking at picking this up again, but wanted to include at least some of the more visible rivet patterns on the profile. Does anyone have any better sources on the rivets of the XP-61E, F-15, or F-15A Reporter?
Alright, I've recently come back to this and improved some problem areas. It's still a WIP, but what issues do you notice? I used the two F-15A photos here heavily for reference.
Hello again, everyone. Doing a little bit every so often, I've gotten a lot of the shading much closer to where I want it. The NMF was based on the panel lines, which I've been modifying, so many of those layers are turned off. I'm also working on the rivets.
With the exception of the NMF and the rivets, however, it's a lot closer to being done, however. What do you guys think? Main areas that could use improvement?
between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony
Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F
Looking good! A couple of things you might want to consider is toning down the blue in both the canopy and the NMF, I've found that a more neutral gray works best both.
When you do get around to the rivets, I reckon they will make a massive difference to the realism of this profile
The closeup looks really nice. I'm not too keen on the shadows behind the props. The upper one looks like the light is from dead ahead while the rest of the profile looks like it comes from the upper left corner. The lower prop seems to be missing any shadows.
The prop shadow was something I didn't want to add, but felt compelled to after looking through all the various P-61 and F-15A photos I've been using for reference. You are indeed right that the sun comes from upper left for my lighting and shading (whether I'm always successful in conveying that is another matter altogether!). As you can see in earlier versions, the shadow wasn't there at all.
I saw it the prop shadow in another photo where the aircraft and sun were essentially a mirror of mine. Look at the shadow on the ground in the photo below. The sun is fairly high in the sky and slightly to the right.
Alright, so I've returned to this after more than two years of not touching it. I'm mostly finished with the center fuselage at the moment. I've got a few more rivets to do and a good deal of NMF work, but it's largely finished. After that comes all the rivets on the booms, then I'll be done.
For all intents and purposes, the center fuselage is identical to that of the XP-61E 2nd prototype. You can see that I've changed a lot of things significantly, such as the nose .50 cals and associated panels. What do you guys think?