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  1. #31

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    Looking good. At the rate of previous posts we can expect another one next July!
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  2. #32

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    Heh. I don't post most of what I do here. My rate's pretty slow, but I managed to get 17 other profiles done besides this one. One Mi-24 Hind, three Su-25 Frogfoot variants, one Vought V-507, two Heinkel He 46s, one Martin XB-51, and nine Stuka variants of my own design. All are "What If" aircraft, most are my own variants.

    What's next? I'm not sure, likely an He 100 or V-507.


  3. #33

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    This one took a lot less than 4 months!


  4. #34

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    Awesome schemes, Logan! Very cool subject too.
    Please see Facebook for my latest work:
    or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:
  5. #35

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    Thanks again, Skyraider! First time in camo and first time with a non-US user for the P-61F.


  6. #36

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    That one is neat

  7. #37

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    Thanks! Since I had only done NMF ones up to that point, the lighting had to be redone and it was a bit of a pain, that's for sure. It turned out nice, though, I think.


  8. #38

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    Well, it's the first real-world profile I've done in a long time. The Northrop XF-15A Reporter (2nd prototype). I'm happy with how it turned out since a lot of the references really weren't great and all the existing line art on the Reporter is pretty terrible.

    Hope you guys like it!


  9. #39

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    Finished another "real world" profile today. This one required a lot of work to do the drop test object, something there weren't great references for.


  10. #40

    Re: First profile on Simmers - XP-61F

    And here's one in Shomo's colors, but since he got his CMOH flying an armed F-6A, I had to put guns back on this F-15A.

    And here's a closeup of the markings I made for the nose. There was no great source for them, so I remade them all.



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