hi simon,
just a personal taste thing, i like them a little bit more bolder, as i said i am on my own with thisgive me a minute or two and i will post some examples, if my eyes dont blur up
hi simon,
just a personal taste thing, i like them a little bit more bolder, as i said i am on my own with thisgive me a minute or two and i will post some examples, if my eyes dont blur up
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Hi John!
Maybe they look like this because of the small size here. Do you maybe have the Classic Publication books with my Do 335 and He 162 profiles?
There the colour reproduction is perfect!
Please show me some examples how you would like them!
just tried simon,
but at the moment i can't concentrate, i have the books will look at them later, most certainly could be the small size that is causing the problem,
as i said, i think you work is spot on, and i do like you grasp of certain luftwaffe colour combinations.
for all you guys,
at the moment i am suffering from an eye infection, hence no drawing, also i have cronic sinusitis and my body is full of the crap that it is making (poison), but i will soon be back to full flight, even if it is only to prove jester wrong about shiny colours![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Its little wonder that I am reluctant to profile Luftwaffe types.
The whole RLM debate makes my eyes glaze over.![]()
hmm, yes a little bit expensive! Check Ebay! These 2 books are most important if you do Luftwaffe profiles.
Colour charts by Ullmann are too small.
Nothing at the moment Simon, but i'll keep my eyes open in the future hopefully for a bargain. What's the Volume 2 like?
Also any comments on: LUFTWAFFE OFFICIAL COLOR CHART by Tom Tullis