8th March 2010, 18:01
Re: Hello everyone - an introduction
Hello Mark, congratulations for the nice artworks.
Maybe you could improve slightly your highlights effects, reducing the light reflection area in a thinner line, and work diferently the shadows with a less darker side below the a/c and a bit more of shadows in the top of the fuselage to give a more round perspective? The tech drawings are great!!

9th March 2010, 15:36
Re: Hello everyone - an introduction
Nice way to introduce yourself.
Looks like you already have a quite distinctive style to work with, the only thing that I think I can add is too totally agree with what Ugo has said above, more detailed and stronger highlights/shadow will lift this work to another level completely.
Just remember that when you think that a profile is done, you can always push it much further. Its a philosophy that I use when I approach a profile.
11th March 2010, 00:52
Re: Hello everyone - an introduction
Hi all,
Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you. Thanks again for your kind and encouraging words, they are much appreciated and highly valued.
Thanks also for the hints and suggestions. Regarding the issue of stronger highlights and shading - yes, I agree entirely. When I first drew the Mosquito, and followed through with the Hornet, they did indeed have stronger shading. The book author asked for them to be toned down however because he felt that it would detract from illustrating the camouflage pattern and colours which, in part, was the purpose of the book. I could see his point to be honest and so toned things down as far as I dared.
When I do some profiles 'for the hell of it' and not for a book project I'll certainly follow your suggestions and make the shadows and highlights stronger.
Thanks again,
14th March 2010, 11:51
Re: Hello everyone - an introduction
Hi Mark!
welcome here! Top work!
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