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Thread: Heavies

  1. #41

    Re: Heavies

    Gam, I am bit out...Fin drops shadown on the fuselage. And what part of the engine shadow to erase???
  2. #42

    Re: Heavies

    Looks good Pkassak
    I might try beefing up the midtones and shadows on the bare metal, a little darker, maybe and a little color too. It will give it more volume and weight.
    Maybe lighten up the tires too, they're awfully black, add some gray or brown?
    And the shadow of the wings, nacelle and props could get a little fuzzier and less strong as it get's further away from the source.
    Even without those changes, it's still looks really good

  3. #43

    Re: Heavies

    Thanks BH....Wil try to apply it, but with every camo it needs small adjustments
    Thansk for comments...will try to follow those...

    This one was a challenge...what do you say ? unusual B-24 for Support purposes of 2641 (Provisional) Group.
    Name:  B-24H-30-CF  42-50447  Yellow Q 2641. BG (P) RIGHT.jpg
Views: 277
Size:  31.9 KB
    Last edited by pkassak; 7th November 2010 at 21:44.
  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Heavies

    Name:  Sans titre-1 copie.jpg
Views: 268
Size:  129.0 KB

    The shadow cast by the wing will not appear on the lowest part of the fuselage, because the fuselage recedes there.

    Name:  Sans titre-1 copie 2.jpg
Views: 269
Size:  88.0 KB
    This is a very quick and dirty example. The blue arrow indicates the direction of light. The shadow cast by the wing and engine on the fuselage side cannot show beneath the point where the light direction and the fuselage are tangent. Do you see what I mean?

    Basically, what you don't want is this:
    Name:  incorrect.jpg
Views: 269
Size:  16.2 KB
    Shadows do not add up and overlap. They blend into each other. You will never see something like this in real life (unless you're using several light sources, which presumably does not apply here).

    As for the fin, what I see is the shadow of the stabilizer, but not of the fin.

    Let me know if I'm clear enough.
  5. #45

    Re: Heavies

    Right on Gaetan!
    And don't forget, the shadow should diminish is sharpness and intensity as it gets further away from the object that casts it. It may not be much, but enough to be perceptible.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Heavies

    I always find pkassak's profiles intriguing because he uses a nontraditional sun angle. He places the sun slightly above and almost abeam the airplane rather than the traditional above, front, and slighly to the left.That usually requires some thinking about possible cast shadows.

    I don't understand this B-24 shading. the nacelle shadow on the fuselage tells me he's using his usual sun location, so how is that prop shadow generated? Then I don't understand that fin/stabiliser shadow???
  7. #47

    Re: Heavies

    Vacaun: good point, the prop shadow should be a bit other location. And "my" sun is 11 o'clock high MTO
    GM and BH: Thanks, good point....I uzed to delete partially the shadow, but somehow forgot with this one Will do, thanks...
  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Heavies

    No problem. Looking forward to it. "Flying rumor" looks nice.

    I didn't know about 2461st Group. Sounds interesting and worth looking into.
  9. #49

    Re: Heavies

    2461 Group flew supply missions for OSS, and Partisans in Balkan but also in Central Europe. Flying Rummor crashed in Czech Rep. It operated during night, and dropped supplies in on parachute hanging containers based on fire marks made on ground...
  10. #50

    Re: Heavies

    aaand finally something for John

    Name:  B-24H-10-CF  Blue Z  42-52419  Duration+  465. BG LEFT.jpg
Views: 254
Size:  29.5 KB

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